Refundable booking add-on
What is the Refundable booking add-on?
Busbud provides this additional, optional service that will allow you to get a refund in specific circumstances even when your booking is not initially fully or partially refundable. Busbud partnered with Refund Protect to administer refunds. If you purchased the Refundable Booking add-on, you should have received a separate email from with the information on the conditions and process to apply for a refund.
How do I receive my refund?
- You must initiate your refund request via
- The reference number to include is in the email you've received from, right after your booking. It consists of 3 letters followed by a series of numbers. Example: STA-12345678-1234
- Your refund request must be requested no later than 60 days after your trip departure date.
- You should receive feedback on your request within 48h of submitting all required information.
What is covered?
Your refund policy covers the following scenarios:
- Illness / Injury (including Covid-19)
- Pre-existing Medical Condition
- Pregnancy Complication
- Death of Immediate Family
- Public Transport Failure
- Flight disruption
- Mechanical Breakdown
- Adverse Weather
- Home Emergency
- Theft of Documents
- Jury Service
- Court Summons
- Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall
- Relocated for Work
- Changes to Examination Dates
Please note that you will be asked to provide supporting evidence for your refund request.
More information related to Covid-19
Refunds are not provided for any travel restriction associated with Covid-19, or fear of travelling. Refunds are not issued where you do not attend because you are worried about catching Covid-19 or you are isolating without a positive Covid-19 test in your household, or where your travel plans are affected by Covid-19 restrictions. When requesting a refund due to Covid-19, an official positive test result is required as supporting evidence for the request.
Full terms and conditions:
Find the full terms and conditions here: